Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Ashland Run

Saturday's long run was 17 miles. It just occurred to me that that is the furthest I have run since the 2008 NYC Marathon. Congratulations, Me!

The run was has become a standard on our Run
for the Memory team training schedule. Tradition usually has it that this run falls on the coldest weekend of the winter. Seriously, it has been single digit temps every year I can remember this training run happening. Yet, despite seeing several residents along the route shoveling out their mailboxes, the temperature was relatively mild (for January in central Massachusetts).

We started at Ashland Middle School, just shy of 3 miles into the marathon course. We then ran to the starting line, essentially 3 miles uphill. And then back down. Repeat. And repeat again...maybe not all the way to the t
op the last time.

The loop is close to torturous, but also beneficial. It forces me to respect exactly how large the downhill start of the race is when I have to run UP the same hill. Also, the downhill part takes a toll on the quads. So trips 2 and possibly 3 get a bit tougher with tired legs, again serving as a reminder of why not to fly down the hills at the start of the race on marathon day.

So my first 17 miler in the books! Ni
ne more miles seemed pretty far though by the end of the run. I guess it's a good thing I still have 77 days to go!

Oh, and I'm still keeping up with the post-run ice baths. It was pretty tough to steady the camera while my whole body was shivering.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Not all treadmills are created equal

I am convinced that all treadmills are not the same. One could argue that on a given day, any run could seem easier or more difficult than usual. But I'm starting to notice patterns. And as if running on a treadmill is not difficult enough, running on a "bad" one makes it that much worse.

Personally, I think I favor the LifeFitness models. I like to think they're accurate, as it seems like my perceived effort usually matches that of a run at the same pace outside. Though one negative, on the newer models they only read the mph and not the corresponding pace. Thank goodness I have years of treadmill experience, and some math skills, to figure that out. But I could do without the extra brain work that early in the morning.

I've also decided the Precor treadmills are plain evil. No matter what speed, what incline, I feel like I am running through mud. It always feels like I'm running a marathon when I work out on one of these treadmills. I mean, really, how is it possible that a 9:00 minute mile with 0% incline feels like I am running sprints up Summit Ave?

It's gotta be the treadmill, right?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ice, ice, baby

The temperatures turned out to be relatively tolerable for today's 12.3 miler (yes, a little OCD when it comes to mileage). That said, the ground was still a mix of dry pavement, ice, snow and salt, so I was still not too disappointed that this was a cut-back week, after 15 milers the last 2 weeks. Still, it's always better to go out expecting the worst and being pleased when it turns out better than planned.

Despite "better than expected" temperatures, it was still a brisk 14 degrees to start, 19 to finish. I have once again made it a habit to take an ice bath after my weekly long run. I started up again after a really hard run 2 weeks ago and it seemed to reduce the soreness later in the week. So, now I'm hooked.

The routine goes like this: stop by Tedeschi's on the way home from the run and pick up 2 5lb bags of ice. After a quick snack (it's bad enough I'm going to sit in ice for 10 minutes, I am not going to do so hungry!), fill up the tub with cold water while boiling some water on the stove. This is for the hot tea I will hold onto to at least keep my insides warm. Remove the clothing on my lower half. Articles of clothing upper half stay put. Today that included my ski hat. Dump in the 2 bags of ice, take a deep breath and get in. Immediately, I start my stopwatch so that I don't spend a second more than my required 10 minutes in there.

Sometimes I wonder which is worse, the run or the ice bath afterwards. However, I'm running the best I have ever run. Like the football fan during his team's playoff run, I will continue to do the equivalent of wearing my lucky socks and sitting in the same spot on the couch each week. Only my big game is on April 18th.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow, snow, go away

It's been a tough January! While skiers may be loving the 3 snow storms we've had in the last 9 days, runners are getting tired of it. At least this runner is! This week I lucked out and only had to use the treadmill once, but I don't think it will be the last time I have to sweat it out, running in place this winter. and if I'm not on the treadmill, running outside has become a little more challenging, dodging icy patches and running carefully on uneven piles of snow pushed up on curbs and corners.

Last nights' run was actually quite nice. No wind and temps were maybe around 30. The ground was a little icy, but not too bad for most of the run. It was actually one of those runs that just felt good. Then the snow came. Fingers crossed the roads in Newton were well plowed today. Tomorrow's 12 miler should be interesting.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

This morning I completed my first long run of 2011. 14 miles. Not the greatest run, but not the worst either. It kind of sets the tone though that I'm starting off the year in an ok spot, but with room to grow. And that's just perfect.

With the new year comes resolutions. While lots of people choose to use this time to get their diets and exercise routines on track, my new year's resolution is to sleep more. Yes, really. The risks associated with not sleeping enough are well documented. I've read the literature and even parts of my work focus on this area of research. But I'm a bad sleeper. Actually, I'm a great sleeper, once I am in bed and turn out the light. My problem tends to be getting to that point and allowing myself enough time to sleep. But to improve my health, as well as my performance running, I'm going to try to make the time and get more of it. I never really make resolutions, as I'm not too good at keeping them, but this one might just be worth it.