Sunday, May 29, 2011

The other side

Today I participated in Boston's Run to Remember. But not as a runner. For the second year in a row, I volunteered with the Alzheimer's Association at the water stop just past Mile 1 on the course. With Memorial Day weekend plans up in the air until mid-week, I only decided Friday to volunteer, and of course, I'm glad I did.

I'm not up for racing 13.1 miles yet and didn't feel like paying a race registration fee to just run the distance. I did have a great 12 mile run yesterday and I am psyched to just be loving running again right now. But it was still great to feel a part of the event, see my friends running and help out one of my favorite causes.

I think all runners should volunteer at a race from time to time. While it is not to same as running a race, it is a great way to be a part of an event. It also helps one gain a little appreciation for those involved behind the scenes. Since I volunteered for my first race, I have now made it a point to thank each volunteer who hands me a cup of water of places a medal around my neck at the finish line. While it may not be as physically taxing as running the race itself, many volunteers are at the race early in the morning, on their feet in whatever weather presents itself for hours, perhaps getting water thrown at their feet (if they are lucky), and staying well after the last runners cross the finish line. I'd say that's worth the extra breath to say thanks as I run by.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Starting up again

This weekend I ran my first and second races since the marathon. Seeing as I have barely developed a consistent running schedule in last 5 weeks, it should not be surprising that I have not done much along the lines of speed work during this time as well. So expectations were low this weekend.

Thursday night was the first of the Charles River Summer Series - a 4.2 mile loop around the Charles. I was eager to run Thursday, but not much in the mood for the race. The rain had held off most of the day and then started with on and off showers as I got dressed to leave the house. But running in the rain in May is not nearly as bad as running in the rain in January, so I was headed out. Miles 1 and 2 went fairly well, maintaining about a 7:25 pace - reasonable for this race for me. While I didn't feel tired, miles 3 and 4 were just slower. I couldn't pick up the pace. While the race results say I finished with a 7:26 pace, I'd argue I was a bit closer to 7:35. Still faster than I would have run if I had just gone out on my own.

Today was the Harpoon 5 Miler. I have missed this race the last 2 summers while injured and was excited to be back. After Thursday's performance, I still did not expect much, but hoped I could finish under 39:00. Starting out I felt pretty good. After I finished Mile 2 in 6:13, I knew I wasn't feeling that good and the mile marker was off. Mile 3 took me 9:43 and although I realized it made up for the short Mile 2, I was still a bit disheartened. I didn't think my effort felt that easy, but that meant I had slowed to about an 8+ minute per mile pace. It felt like the second half of Thursday's race all over again.

So, screw it. I decided to just run the rest of the race, pushing myself but not obsessing over my watch. I finished running hard, but feeling good. 37:36 - 7:32 pace. Better than the low expectations I had set for myself and 16 seconds per mile faster than I had run this race last time in 2008.

Most of all, racing this weekend made me want to run more again. And fast. No promises that I'll keep a consistent training schedule this summer, but I will be more inclined to start up some speed workouts again. I've got a few more PRs from the summer of 2008 I plan to break.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Running Rx

Sometimes I wish I could run forever. Out on a run might be the only time I can be alone, but not lonely. I can be my most physically active, while my mind is at rest. My run can relieve stress or celebrate good times. Why wouldn't I want to be able to do that forever?

Despite running 10 miles on Saturday, I decided I needed to run yesterday. Last week was a rough week. As I sat a bit deflated on my couch for most of Sunday afternoon, I realized HGTV was not making me feel better.

So I convinced myself to go out for a run. Supposedly it was going to be a 4-5 mile run, just enough to get some endorphins pumping. But once I started, I didn't want to stop. In an uncharacteristically undisciplined moment, I ran just shy of 8 miles. It was not ridiculous to run the distance. The best idea? Well, maybe not. Worth it? Totally.

There's probably a bunch of psychology one can apply to this situation, but I will argue it just felt good. In fact, it was the best run I've had since the marathon.

As a good friend often quotes,"a bad run is better than a good day at work." Well, then just imagine when a good run replaces a bad day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A weekend sans running

Well, it wasn't exactly supposed to happen, but I can accept it. More so now anyway than a few weeks ago. This weekend, for the first weekend in I don't know how long, I didn't get out to run at all. Partly by choice and partly by circumstance. Circumstances that included the nasty allergies that have left me breathing solely through my mouth for the last 24 hours. Running just did not seem like it would be fun today.

It was sort of the final step in a week that brought me back to several activities left behind during marathon training. Sure I would have loved to include them in my training schedule, but those darn 8-9 hours a day at work, kept bumping them out. Swimming, yoga, lifting...I even went for a 7 + mile walk and caught up on over a month of news with my friend Amy. I'm actually quite sore today as well. But in a good way. Waking up some muscles that have been overlooked for the last 4 months is probably a good thing.

But I will say, despite my gloomy posts the last 2 weeks, I am starting to get the running bug again. No marathon registrations in my immediate future but I am looking forward to waking up tomorrow for an easy 5 miler.

With the help of my fabulous sister, I also decided to capture the memories of the marathon with a little video. Even if the day wasn't perfect, it was still worth remembering. Check it out :)