Sunday, June 19, 2011

One sweaty weekend

Summer is coming. We haven't gotten there yet, but Saturday, I had my first really sweaty run, and it was barely 80 degrees when I finished. But despite feeling like I had been running in the rain again, it turned out to be a great morning to run.

I set out for about 12 miles along the Charles. All my regular running buddies were unavailable this weekend, so I took off solo. Running for almost 2 hours alone can be intimidating, but as I started, I found the first 5 miles passed really quickly and had no doubt I'd finish all 12 just fine. Lucky for me, I didn't have to. I ran into Tommy M. on my turnaround at the Mass Ave Bridge and he was nice enough to join me for the next 6.5 miles of my run. And I thought those first 5 miles went fast! I ended up finishing with 13 miles and very salty.

Today, I was excited to finally take a yoga class with my favorite instructor, omgal, Rebecca Pacheco. I've missed her class for 2 weeks and it was the one thing on my to do list today I was not skipping.

In case I thought yesterday's run was a hot one, this class put things in perspective. The temperature outside plus the heat in the studio led to one very soggy yogi (me). I swear other people were not sweating as much! It always makes me laugh when I bend forward in a stretch and see not just drops of sweat falling from my skin, but an actual stream. Hot. Literally. But the class was awesome and just what I needed.

I'm sipping my third glass of water - after a bottle of vitamin water and a glass of Crystal Light lemonade. No dehydration here. Bring it on summer, I'm ready.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Singin', er, runnin' in the rain

My trust in the weather predictions has been weak, at best, lately. All week, the forecast talked about near-100 degree temperatures on Thursday and I woke up to a downpour. So this morning, with grey skies, I really didn't believe it would do more than drizzle as I headed out for a longish run. Ten minutes into my run, it started to rain.

It started out as a misty drizzle, but slowly the rain increased in volume and intensity to the point where it was flat out "raining". Funny thing is, while I could see the water drip off the rim of my hat and see the rain hitting the water along the Charles, it never felt that bad. While it wasn't really hot today, the rain was cooling, though not cold. And while I saw my grey t-shirt getting greyer, my shoes were still dry, so I was in good shape, apparel-wise. In fact, it wasn't until I stopped to meet friends half way through my run that I noticed my shorts were sticking to my legs.

I'm not training for anything specific right now. But I decided last night I was going to run 12 miles today, and "weather" or not I was doing it was not a question. By the time I met my friends, it had pretty much stopped raining - lucky them. Good company and poor calculations on my part led me to run 13.5 miles, a little further than intended and my longest run since the marathon. But it felt great. I don't know it it was the temperature or the cup of coffee I drank before I ran (I usually save that for after), but the whole run felt smooth and easy. I finished with an overall pace of 8:20, about 10 seconds/mile faster than my long runs have been in previous weeks. And the best part was my last mile clocked in at a sub-8 minute pace.

I'm still not ready to pick a race to train for seriously right now. I like running when, how and how far I want right now. But if I could guarantee every long run would feel this good, ok, even most long runs, I could be convinced.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year

Every year there is the "morning". It's the morning I wake up and it's light out already at 5:00ish. The temperature is perfect for shorts and a tee shirt, around 60 degrees. I'm sleepy, as usual, but I'm happy to get up and get outside to run.

Today was that morning.

If I could put this morning in a bottle and save it all year, I would. I went out for just under 6 miles. I forgot my Garmin, but I know my usual routes well enough to estimate pretty closely by now. The run flew by. I didn't think at all really about how long I had been running, just what was around me. I forgot how tired I felt when my alarm went off and how sore my legs were from my workout yesterday. The sun was bright, but the air was cool enough that I never got too sweaty. I even ran around the block as I approached home, just to stay out a bit longer.

The last 2 springs, I didn't really get to run all that much, first figuring out what was wrong with my hip and then recovering from the surgery to fix it. I appreciated these days, but it wasn't the same. I knew what I was missing then, and couldn't wait until I had the chance to enjoy it again.

Yes, I know it's a little silly, but these days don't come around all that often, so when they do, they need to be embraced. And by Thursday, I'm sure I'll be whining about the humidity anyway...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's cool to run in the pool

Wednesdays are my day off from running. I don't know why, but for about the last 10 months, my schedule has left Wednesdays for cross training. Thinking practically, it's probably a good mid-week break and the pattern has stuck.

But today, Wednesday, is National Running Day and I felt obligated to participate. However, today I did not run around my neighborhood, along the Charles or even on a treadmill. I ran in the pool.

Pool running, or "aqua jogging" is actually a great way to cross train. It makes use of same muscles used to run without the impact. I became quite familiar with pool running and many of the pools available in the Boston area when I was injured the last 2 years. I own my own Aqua Jogging belt, and I admit I even own the shoes. I actually had "workouts" I designed for myself in the pool and even logged a personal record 3 hour pool run with my then-injured pal Shannon last spring.

Unfortunately, one of the things I love most about running is how simple it is. 1) Put on a decent pair of running shoes; 2) open the door; 3) go. Pool running...not so simple. It requires finding a facility with a pool - preferably with sections deeper than 5 feet so my feet don't hit the bottom, ensuring the pool hours work with my schedule, commuting to the pool (in today's case, 40 minutes to travel 4 miles - thanks Red Sox), changing into a swimsuit and water belt (and sometime shoes), showering and then actually getting in the pool to begin my workout.

However, it was a great option when I had no choice and it remains a great option to keep my joints healthy, when I choose to take advantage of it. I probably won't do it consistently, especially when the weather is nice, but today, it was cool to run in the pool.