Saturday, January 28, 2012

Post-run recovery

"Rest is the sweet sauce of labor" - Plutarch

I ran 15 miles for the first time in a month today.  The run was at a very comfortable pace and the weather was highly cooperative, sunny and around 40 degrees.  I was back on the hills in Newton, kind of home base for training runs.  It was the first long run of my official marathon training plan.  Off to a good start.

Also impressive (to me) was the energy I had after the run to complete my list of errands.  In the hour that followed my run, I made it to Trader Joe's, the dry cleaner and post office.  Check, check, check.  Perhaps the employees at each of these places would have preferred if I had gone home and showered first, but I was happy to plow through while I was still out and about.  I know myself too well by now, and especially on a winter day, it takes a LONG time for me to get moving after returning home, showering, eating and if I'm lucky, napping.

Today was a lucky day too.  Following my productive morning, a shower and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I crawled into bed.  I started reading, just waiting to feel my eyes get heavy.  Ten minutes later I was out.  For 2 1/2 hours.  It was outstanding.  There could have been an earthquake and I'm pretty sure I would have kept sleeping. 

Researchers have shown that physical activity can promote better self reported sleep quality. I'm generally a good sleeper.  I rarely wake up in the middle of the night, and when I do, usually can fall right back asleep.  Even when I am stressed, once I fall asleep, I don't often have stressful dreams, or wake in a panic an hour before my alarm, unable to fall back asleep.  

My problem is more often getting into bed.  My guess is the exercise helped facilitate my nap this afternoon, but a few extra hours of sleep during the week may also be a good idea.  I'll keep trying.  However, when I have a Saturday that allows for a 2 1/2 hour nap, I'm also not going to pass that up.  

Me, sleeping on the bus ride out to Hopkinton last April

Monday, January 16, 2012

At least I beat the dragon

It was a great day to run.  I was in Phoenix this weekend, escaping the New England winter for the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon on Sunday.  Fifty-five degrees and overcast. Seriously, I could not have asked for better conditions. 

It's too bad my legs did not agree.

I started well, running right on pace for the first 3 miles and feeling good.  Then in the middle of mile 4, my quads started to tense up.  Like a light switch, the loose, relaxed and smooth run I had started disappeared.  I tried to run through it until mile 5 where I stopped to stretch for a minute.  I jumped back in and felt a bit better, but soon enough my quads felt like bricks again. 

At that point, I knew my race goal was pretty much gone, as was probably the chance of a PR.  So I readjusted my plan.  My goal was to hit my goal pace for one mile.  I would focus on just one mile at a time.  Between miles 6-13, I came close twice, though never quite hit it.  Surprisingly though, it didn't stop me from trying with each next mile. 

I'm not extremely proud of my finishing time this weekend, 1:45:33, but I am proud that I kept my head in the race.  Once I lost my original goal, I tried to focus on achieving something on this less-than-ideal race day. 

Today, my legs are sore.  Like I ran hard sore.  So I know my effort was there, the execution just was not.  I'm still puzzled by the leg thing however.  In training run after training run, my legs have never tensed up quite like that.  Yet, I have had a few races where this has happened, to various degrees and at various points in the race.  I'm not sure if there is a link, nor how to prevent it in the next race.  I've got some work to do on that piece.

The PF Chang's dragon. It ran the half and those who beat it were awarded restaurant coupons. Unfortunately, I was a little too distracted at the finish to pick my coupon up, but at least I beat the dragon.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Short and Sweet

Much like my runs this week, I'll keep this post short and sweet.

The week before a big race can bring nerves, excitement and a bit of hypochondria.  But it also brings a drop in mileage.  While I look forward (usually) to my runs each week, it has been kind of a treat to do a "long" run of 8 miles on Saturday and a 4 mile run this evening.  And not because I cut my regular run short.

The weather Saturday was great for a run of any distance in Boston.  While I was done before the high temps of 57(!) degrees hit, I was hardly cold on my run.  Not bad for January 7. Not at all the same as last January when I did a 15 mile run out and back twice on a 3.5 mile stretch because it was the only stretch of road that was reasonably clear of snow and ice. 

But despite the unseasonable weather in Boston, I still plan on appreciating the warm weather in Phoenix when I run the Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon on Sunday.  If the weather forecast holds, it should be a lovely 48-52 degrees during the race.  Sounds like a great day to run.